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A tree has its roots in the ground yet reaches to the sky. Similar is the success story of Dabur, one of India’s largest ayurvedic and natural consumer products manufacturer.

  • History: Dating back to the mid 1880s, an ayurvedic practitioner prepared natural and ayurvedic medicines to cure diseases like cholera, constipation and malaria which gave birth to the idea of origination of Dabur.
  • Motto: the success of Dabur is truly a result of the dedication towards health and wellbeing of every household. Dabur concocts old-aged traditions of Ayurveda with modern science to meet the ever-changing needs of its consumers.
  • Initial Entry: Dabur played it smart by developing a niche market to build a customer base. It strengthened its customer base by developing a feeling of trust amongst its consumers using ayurvedic heritage. As of the date Dabur is still one of the very few players in the ayurvedic and herbal space.
  • Growing and Glowing: Dabur pursues a prudent growth strategy. It initially gained the trust of the customers through niche marketing and now keeps hosting new products and contemporizing portfolio to make it more youthful. The key attraction to its customers has always been natural and ayurvedic ingredients used in products. Dabur has strategically positioned itself under the roof of “Science based Ayurveda” which is basically an infusion of cutting-edge science with traditional knowledge.
  • Grabbing hold of the rural market: Dabur focused on developing a strong customer base in the rural households of India which comprises of majority of the population. Dabur focused on insight based interactive communication rather than mainstream media to engage directly with the rural consumers.
  • Research & Development: Dabur practices in house cultivation of rare herbs for use of authentic ayurvedic ingredients. It also has an in-house research wing, involved in every step from bush to brand. Dabur conducts detailed scientific and climatic tests for high quality product assurance.
  • Campaigning: Dabur had an insight about marketing, and it knew that leveraging mainstream media was not going to be enough and there was a drastic need to move beyond the traditional media options. Dabur concluded that interactive communication works really well when there is a need to directly engage with the consumers. Dabur uses such technique to improve its products and provide customer satisfaction to its fullest.


The success of Dabur does not lie in its brand name, but in the efforts put behind and work of thousand to help Dabur reach its heights of excellence.

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